Here for healthcare workers in times of crisis
Research & Articles
Bourne, T. et al. (2015). ‘The impact of complaints procedures on the welfare, health and clinical practice of 7926 doctors in the UK: a crosssectional survey’, BMJ Open 5(1). Link to this article
British Dental Journal (2019). ‘More than half of dentists say stress is affecting their practice’. British Dental Journal 226(1): 7. Link to this article
British Medical Association (2020). ‘For want of support’. 14 May 2020. Link to this article
British Medical Association (2022). ‘Arora ruling reinforces need for an independent evaluation of the GMC’s fitnesstopractise decisionmaking procedures’. Link to this article
BBC (2024). 'Nurse regulator condemned over toxic culture'. July 2024. Link to this article
Community Research (2015). ‘The effects of having restrictions on practice or warnings - Research Report for the GMC’. Link to this article
Daily Mail (2012). ‘Hospital nurse found hanged after she faced being struck off over claims of affair with patient’. 26 September 2012. Link to this article
Dyer, C. (2017). ‘GMC is criticised for failing to properly investigate case against cosmetic surgeon’, British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.), No 359, BMJ, j5002. Link to this article
Finn, G. et al (2022). Experiences of GDC fitness to practise participants 2015 – 2021: A realist study. Link to this article
Gerada, C. (2018). ‘Doctors, suicide and mental illness’. British Journal of Psychiatry Bulletin 42(4): 165–68. Link to this article
GP Online (2019). ‘How I survived a bewildering 10month investigation by the GMC’. 20 September 2019. Link to this article
Harding, E. (2013). ‘Worked to death: NHS dentist takes his own life after health bosses threatened to strike him off because he couldn't keep up with paperwork for 10,000 patients’. 12 August 2013. Link to this article
Horsfall, S. (2014). ‘Doctors who commit suicide while under GMC fitness to practise investigation’. Link to this article
Jones-Berry, S. (2018) ‘How fitness-to-practise fears raise suicide risk for troubled nurses’. Link to this article
Kumar, S. (2016). ‘Burnout and doctors: Prevalence, prevention and intervention’. Link to this article
Macqueen, D. Fitness-to-Practise: How UK Healthcare Regulators Cause Practitioner Deaths. Journal of Controversial Ideas 2023, 3(1), 7; doi:10.35995/jci03010007. Link to this article
NHS Confederation (2022). ‘Fall in staff morale a real cause for concern’. Link to this article
Randstad (2021). ‘The impact of meant health and stress on nurses’. Link to this article
The Times (2015). ‘Young GP hanged himself over fear of alcohol test’. 25 November 2015. Link to this article
Tilley, C. (2022). ‘GMC overturns suspension of GP after “incorrectly applied” dishonesty test’. Pulse Today, 22 June 2022. Link to this article
Times of India (2012). ‘Royal hoax call nurse's brother says she died of shame’. Link to this article
Wighton, K. (2016). ‘Patient complaint procedures leave doctors emotionally distressed’. Link to this article
Wise, J. (2018). ‘Survey of UK doctors highlights blame culture within the NHS’. British Medical Journal 362: k4001. Link to this article
Worsley, A., McLaughlin, K. & Leigh. J. (2017). ‘A subject of concern: The experiences of social workers referred to the Health and Care Professions Council’, The British Journal of Social Work 47(8): 2421–37. Link to this article